train with me 

Train with me

100% individualized training especially oriented to Athletes


  • Optimise your physical performance
  • Injury recovery and ‘return to play’ process

training program

  • Achieve your goals
  • 1-to-1 or online training programs
  • Training monitoring
  • Specific testing
  • Return to play after an injury
Elite 1-to-1 Price

The price of Elite 1-to-1 vary depending on the number of days contracted.

Days contracted by week Price by month (IVA inc)
1 session/week (4 ses/month) 150 €      (Buy 1 s/w)
2 sessions/week (8 ses/month) 290 €     (Buy 2 s/w)
3 sessions/week (12 ses/month) 420 €     (Buy 3 s/w)
4 sessions/week (16 ses/month) 520 €     (Buy 4 s/w)
5 sessions/week (20 ses/month) 600 €     (Buy 5 s/w)

In-Home Training

Added cost per session depending on the location:

  • 10-20 km: + 5€
  • 20-40 km: + 10€
  • >40 km* (previous consult)
Where can I train?

  • The location for the Elite 1-to-1 Training Program and tests are in Málaga (Spain).
  • The in-home training has a added cost depending of the location.
  • *Depending of goals and program, the field or sport center may vary.

About the payments:

  • The payment will be made before start the program.
  • You have to send an email explaining your goals when you buy a specific program.

Cancellations or changes:

  • The money is not refunded under no circumstances.
  • A 24 hours advance request is required along to change the training session date.
  • The training sessions in the Elite 1-to-1 Training Program have to be made in the corresponding week according to the contracted training program.
  • The training sessions should be scheduled the previous week.


  • The training programs do not include the sport center membership.


  • Online consultation (30′ skype): 15€ (Buy)
  • Anthropometric analysis: 20€ (Buy)
  • Field test: 20€ (Buy)

*Contact by email explaining your goal and prefered date.

what They’re Saying


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3 + 5 =

Berni Guerrero-Calderón

S&C Coach | Rehab Therapist | Sport Scientist

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